This tool generates a shot list text file, where all of the information regarding the shoot (such as operator name, animator name, capture file naming, the name of the technician who cleans, solves, and delivers the capture, etc) is saved. When a technician first opens this tool, they have the option to start fresh, or open a shot list text file. These text files contain lines for every piece of information that an operator could enter into this tool:
Ex: Sample shot list text file:
animator(Dan Tafaro)
assetFolder(O:\Motion Capture\Mocap Shoot Assets\test_12_2016)
cdrive(C:\mocap_Work_Folder\R & D\test_12_2016)
odrive(O:\Motion Capture\Mocap Data\work_2016\R & D\test_12_2016)
The tool, when opening a shot list, will parse for each key entry type, all of which are followed by the '(' character. The ')' is used as an end cap to each entry type's string or list, and ',' is used to separate out the items of a list of entries. All of this information is added to global variables in the script, that are called on when the UI is being built.
Moving forward, I will demonstrate use of this tool when creating a new shot list. When first opened the tool is composed as follows:
1. 'Set Up Folders' button - Raven captures data on a computer near the Motion Capture stage. All data captures are sent to a specific folder for the day's shoot locally, and then chosen takes are transferred to a drive accessible by all computers in the studio. This button will set up all the necessary folders needed for the days shoot. In addition, it will also link said folder's paths to the quick access buttons located next to the number 2 in the image above. If a shot list has already been opened, or a folder structure is already in place, a popup will be produced informing the operator:
2. Quick links to the various folders used for the day's shoot. When working from an existing shot list, these buttons will open their coinciding folders. When starting a shot list from scratch, if the ‘Set Up Folders’ button was not used to setup a folder structure, the operator will have to manually path to the folder they are looking for when any of these quick link buttons are first clicked (first use of each of these buttons links the path of whichever folder is selected to a variable associated with button's folder type. This makes it so any time these are selected afterward, the folder will automatically open).
Ex: if the operator selects the O:Drive button without a folder structure in place, they will be prompted to select the O:Drive folder for the day’s shoot:
The reset options next to some of the quick link buttons allow the operator to repath to different locations, should the need arise.
3. This is where all the core details about the shoot, such as who is operating, who the animator is, what project this is for, the date, etc. are all located. Drop down comboboxes are setup with a list of all viable options for said field (ex: every animator in the studio is listed in the Animator dropdown, each project currently in production is listed in the Project dropdown, etc.)
4. 'Save Setup' button - this button is used to save all the information listed in every field of this tool. Before anything else, the tool will first verify that all paths are properly setup, and that no entry fields contain any invalid characters. If any issues are encountered, an appropriate error message will be produced, informing the operator of said issue and what they need to do before being able to save out the shot list. If no errors are encountered, all global variables are updated and the shot list text file is written (or rewritten) and save out in the O:Drive folder for the day's shoot.
5. 'Transfer Files' options - These are used to transfer all core files for the shoot from the mocap computers local drive to the drive used for all chosen capture files. These buttons can be clicked multiple times, and the file(s) associated with the button selected will be saved out, overriding any like-named files. This makes it easy to transfer updated markersets, etc.
6. 'Transfer Marked Captures' button - Each capture entry has the option to be marked for transfer, where it will be updated with it's selected take number, but not transferred over at the exact moment that take is selected. This was added to deal with server issues, where transferring any files could cause lag or delay the shoot. I will expand upon this further on, when the options for capture entries are covered below.
7. 'Evaluate Capture List Completion' - this button will produce a popup with a list of all the captures that are still needed to complete the shoot, and a grand total of what that number of remaining captures is. This was added for longer shoots, where there is a very long list of captures and the animator may request jumping around the list rather than going in order. The tool will read through all the capture entries and take note of which entries have not been transferred over or marked for transfer.
8 & 9. 'Default Shot List' & 'Animator Shot Notes' - In addition to this tool (used by the Motion Capture team), Raven Animators have a mocap shot request tool. That tool is also set up to produce a shot list text file, but will have added information from the animator. That information is stored as a list in the text file, that can be accessed via the 'Animator Shot Notes' button. In addition, the 'Default Shot List' will produce a list of the originally requested capture names. This was added as a back up for when capture moves end up getting combined, which results in capture names getting removed from the list. This gives everyone a failsafe to ensure nothing gets left or forgotten.
10. 'Clear Current Take Name' - This will remove whatever text is entered in the name field.
11. 'Add New Capture' - Used to add a new capture entry to the shot list. The operator has the option of adding a new capture to the bottom of the list, or to the top, via the checkbox options to the left of this button.
12. 'Alphabetize Captures' & 'Assort By Default List' - These buttons are used for easy sorting of capture entries. Alphabetize will sort and rearrange all capture entries alphabetically;
the default list option will reset the default capture names in order at the top of the list. Any added captures not originally part of the default list will remain in their current order, starting at the end of the default list.
Using an example shot list, I will outline the features available for each capture entry.
The core pieces of this tool are the capture entries themselves, and are composed of a single line of multiple buttons, text fields, and drop downs. The first text field simply contains the name of the capture. There is one additional text field at the right side of each entry that is a place to store notes regarding that capture's particular take. The four combobox drop down fields are used for post process delivery, and track which motion capture technician has started cleaning the capture file ('In Progress'), ultimately cleans the file ('Cleaned'), solves the data to a skeleton ('Solved'), and delivers all capture files to the delivery folder for the animator ('Delivered'). Each capture entry has a set of different buttons that automate different operator options:
1. Arrow up & arrow down - these are used to manually adjust the placement of the capture entry in the shot list. Simply put: select up to move the entry up one in the shot list, or down to move one down.
2. The white button at the beginning of each capture entry is used to enter the capture's name into the Name field for the current capture being recorded in Live Mode.
3. Mark for Transfer 'T' - this button will mark a capture entry for later transfer. As previously mentioned, this was added in to deal with any server issues that may take place. This allows for the operator to have the current take's information stored in the capture entry, but transfer it and all other entries marked for transfer at a later time. This will make it so the operator can proceed to the next capture expediently and not worry about any lag that may take place while transferring files. Text for all marked capture entries is turned orange, and the take number of the captured data is appended to the end of the text string.
4. Transfer Capture '>' - this button will transfer all the necessary files for the select
ed capture entry.
Once all files have been transferred, the text for the entry (as well as the '>' character on the transfer button) will be turned green, and the current take number will be appended to the text string:
5. Replace option - This button is used to override a previously captured take; in the scenario where an animator decides they want one take delivered for a particular capture, but then later decide they liked a different take better. As an example, say take 7 of the capture 'goAgain' was selected and transferred over for cleaning.
If the animator later decides they preferred take 3 to take 7, using the 'Replace' option will take care of transferring over the newly selected take, as well as removing the files for the previous take that is no longer needed (the original take on the local drive of the motion capture computer is left alone, the only files affected are the ones located in the O:Drive cleaning folder for the day's shoot). Once the 'Replace' button is pressed, the operator will be asked which take number they want transferred:
The core pieces of this tool are the capture entries themselves, and are composed of a single line of multiple buttons, text fields, and drop downs. The first text field simply contains the name of the capture. There is one additional text field at the right side of each entry that is a place to store notes regarding that capture's particular take. The four combobox drop down fields are used for post process delivery, and track which motion capture technician has started cleaning the capture file ('In Progress'), ultimately cleans the file ('Cleaned'), solves the data to a skeleton ('Solved'), and delivers all capture files to the delivery folder for the animator ('Delivered'). Each capture entry has a set of different buttons that automate different operator options:
1. Arrow up & arrow down - these are used to manually adjust the placement of the capture entry in the shot list. Simply put: select up to move the entry up one in the shot list, or down to move one down.
2. The white button at the beginning of each capture entry is used to enter the capture's name into the Name field for the current capture being recorded in Live Mode.
Anything that is entered in the textbox of the entry will be entered into Live mode…so that you don’t have to retype names or copy and paste capture names from the shot list into the name field. The text for the currently selected capture will be turned red:
In addition, error popups will generate should the capture name contain any invalid characters, or contain no text at all.
3. Mark for Transfer 'T' - this button will mark a capture entry for later transfer. As previously mentioned, this was added in to deal with any server issues that may take place. This allows for the operator to have the current take's information stored in the capture entry, but transfer it and all other entries marked for transfer at a later time. This will make it so the operator can proceed to the next capture expediently and not worry about any lag that may take place while transferring files. Text for all marked capture entries is turned orange, and the take number of the captured data is appended to the end of the text string.
The green 'Transfer Marked Captures' button at the top of this tool is used to transfer all necessary files, for any capture entry marked for transfer, from the local mocap computer's drive to the O:Drive.
4. Transfer Capture '>' - this button will transfer all the necessary files for the select
ed capture entry.
Once all files have been transferred, the text for the entry (as well as the '>' character on the transfer button) will be turned green, and the current take number will be appended to the text string:
5. Replace option - This button is used to override a previously captured take; in the scenario where an animator decides they want one take delivered for a particular capture, but then later decide they liked a different take better. As an example, say take 7 of the capture 'goAgain' was selected and transferred over for cleaning.
If the animator later decides they preferred take 3 to take 7, using the 'Replace' option will take care of transferring over the newly selected take, as well as removing the files for the previous take that is no longer needed (the original take on the local drive of the motion capture computer is left alone, the only files affected are the ones located in the O:Drive cleaning folder for the day's shoot). Once the 'Replace' button is pressed, the operator will be asked which take number they want transferred:
Pending the take actually exists (if the operator enters a take number that was not recorded, or that has already been transferred to the O:Drive work folder, an error will pop up informing them), the newly specified take for said capture will be transferred, and the old take number will be removed from the O:Drive.
6. Add Take option - This button is used for transferring previous takes of the listed cap file, in the case where the animator wants more than one take for the same capture. Any take number specified will have all of it's files moved to the O:Drive cleaning folder for the day's shoot. In addition, the tool will also create a new entry listing the capture with the specified previous take number directly below the capture entry with the same cap name.
7. Removal/Deletion 'X' - each capture entry also has the option to be marked for removal, should the animator no longer need to capture any data for the listed move. Clicking