Media Track Setup

The Create Media Shot tool is used to automatically set up all media tracks and assets necessary for a media shot in a cinematic.

To use this tool, simply select the cinematic you want to create a media shot for, identify the shot number for the new media shot, and select the media image file folder containing all relevant media files.  

The tool will verify the image file folder provided, as well as the shot number (ensuring it is not already in use within the selected cinematic).

Once verified, the tool will automatically:

  • create new shot sequences for the requested media shot:
  • add a camera and media plane to the cinematics' sublevel:
  • create all media texture and materials necessary and apply them to said media plane*:
  • integrate your new shot into the master sequence of the selected cinematic in appropriate order:

*The created media material used to apply the media texture to the media plane of the shot is set up to act as it's own emissive light source.  No additional lighting is needed to play these shots within the cinematic sequence.